Bagsiden fortæller på engelsk:
'Good job you didn't turn on the lights . . .'
A student nurse has the shock of her life when she discovers her patient, prosecutor Derek Nicholson, brutally murdered in his bed. The act seems senseless - Nicholson was terminally ill with only weeks to live. But what most shocks Detective Robert Hunter of the Los Angeles Robbery Homicide Division is the calling card the killer left behind.
For Hunter, there is no doubt that the killer is trying to communicate with the police, but the method is unlike anything he's ever seen before. And what could the hidden message be?
Just as Hunter and his partner Garcia reckon they've found a lead, a new body is found - and a new calling card. But with no apparent link between the first and second victims, all the progress they've made so far goes out of the window. Pushed into an uncomfortable alliance with the confident Alice Beaumont, Hunter must race to put together the pieces of the investigation . . . before the Death Sculptor puts the final touches to his masterpiece.
Anmeldelse på engelsk:
Another brilliant crime story from Chris Carter.
This is one of the most bloody books I've read in a long time and I must say that Chris is fabulous a hiding who the killer is, 'cause I really didn't have a clue who it was until it was revealed almost in the end of the book. I don't know how Chris thinks up his plots, but he keeps on surprising me.
Detective Robert Hunter and his partner Garcia once more teams up and delivers everything you expect from them. This time a pretty lady named Alice Beaumont joins the team in digging out what kind a serial killer they're dealing with and why the calling card is so important to the investigation.
The investigation starts of by the murder of a terminally ill prosecuter Derek Nicholson who has only weeks to live, the scene that meets our Detectives is one of the worst they have ever seen. There is blood everywhere and on a table they find a sculpture made in bodyparts from the murder victim.
The pressure is on to solve this hideous crime but in no time there is another body and this time it's a LAPD officer who is killed on his boat. And everybody wants a piece of the killer if he's found.
But Hunter, Garcia and Alice can't seem to figure this killing spree out and they follow a lot of futile leads and in the end it's nobody that you would expect who is the killer and the reason for the killing is actually undestandeble when you in the end get the reason why these men had to die.
I love the characters Robert Hunter, Garcia, Captain Blake and the newcomer Alice Beaumont, whom Robert actually knows from his school days. Robert and his love for a good whiskey and the way he tries to solve the murders is a study in it self. Garcia whom seems like a very lovely person and a really good friend to have at hand when needed. Captain Blake is taking no shit from nobody and she is really cool. Alice Beaumont really shows her worth in digging into different information systems and goes on a trip to a prison library with only men, interesting experience for her.
Read it and be suprised, I was.
OG så på dansk:
Endnu en super fantastisk krimi fra Chris Carter.
Dette er en af de mest blodige bøger jeg har læst i meget lang tid og jeg må sige at Chris er fantastisk til at skjule hvem morderen fordi jeg havde virkelig ikke nogen idé om det før sløret blev løftet næsten til sidst i bogen. Jeg ved ikke hvordan Chris finder på sine plots, men han bliver ved med at overraske mig.
Detektiv Rober Hunter og hans partner Garcia danner endnu en gang team og giver én alt hvad man foreventer af dem. Denne gang slutter den smukke Alice Beaumont sig til holdet og hjælper med at grave i hvad slags serie morder som de har med at gøre og hvorfor dennes "calling card" er så vigtig for opklaringen.
Opklaringen starter med mordet på den offentlige anklager Derek Nicholson som var uhelbredelig syg og kun havde uger tilbage at leve i, scenen som møder vores Detektiver er et af de værste de har set. Der er blod overalt og på et bord finder de en skulptur som er lavet med kropsdele af offeret.
Presset for at opklare denne her forfærdelige forbrydelse er stort, men i løbet af ingen tid så bliver der fundet endnu et lig og denne gang er det en LAPD betjent som er bliver myrdet på hans båd. Alle vil gerne have fat i morderen og ende dennes gerninger.
Men Hunter, Garcia og Alice kan ikke rigtig finde løsningen på de her mord og de følger en masse blindgyder og i enden så er det ikke nogen du forventer som er morderen og begrundelsen for mordene er måske okaye forståelig når man til sidst får forklaringen hvorfor alle de mænd blive myrdet.
Jeg elsker personerne Robert Hunter, Garcia, Kaptajn Blake og nytilkommeren Alice Beaumont, som Robert faktisk kender fra sine skoledage. Robert og hans kærlighed til whiskey og den måde han prøver at opklare disser her mord er et studie i sig selv. Garcia som virker som en meget venlig person og en rigtig god ven at have ved hånden når der er brug for det. Kaptajn Blake tager ikke imod noget pis fra nogen og hun er rigtig cool. Alice Beaumont viser virkelig sit værd sådanne som hun kan grave informationer ud af diverse systemer og det at hun tager på en tur til et fængsels bibliotek, hvor der kun er mandlige indsatte er noget af en oplevelse for hende.
Læs den og bliv overrasket, det blev jeg.
Bogen er på engelsk af forfatteren Chris Carter og hedder "The Death Sculptor", den udkommer på dansk med titlen "Dødens Skulptør" den 6. maj 2013 på forlaget Jentas. 5/5 stjerner.
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